NOAA Monthly Summary Report General station information (Station Name, City, State, Units of Measure, etc.) appears at the top of the report. For each day in the report, you can view the following information (and a total for the month): Day Each row in the report shows information for a single day. The date for each row appears at the left of the row. Mean Temperature The mean temperature for the day. At the bottom of the column, the mean temperature for the month is displayed. If "Calculate using integration method" is checked in the Degree-Day section of the NOAA setup dialog window, then the mean temperature is calculated by adding up all the temperature measurements for that day and then dividing by the number of samples. If "Calculate using integration method" is not checked in the NOAA setup, the mean temperature is the average of the daily high and low temperatures. High Temperature & Time The high temperature for the day and the time at which it occurred. At the bottom of the column, the highest temperature recorded during the month and the day on which it occurred is displayed. Low Temperature & Time The low temperature for the day and the time at which it occurred. At the bottom of the column, the lowest temperature recorded during the month and the day on which it occurred is displayed. Heating Degree-Days The number of heating degree-days accumulated on each day. At the bottom of the column, the total heating degree-days accumulated during the month is displayed. Heating degree-days can be calculated using either the high/low summary or the integration methods. See NOAA Setup for more info. Cooling Degree-Days The number of cooling degree-days accumulated on each day. At the bottom of the column, the total cooling degree-days accumulated during the month is displayed. Cooling degree-days can be calculated using either the high/low summary or the integration methods. See NOAA Setup for more info. Rain The rainfall accumulated on each day. At the bottom of the column, the total rainfall accumulated during the month is displayed. Average Wind Speed The average wind speed for each day. At the bottom of the column, the accumulated average wind speed during the month is displayed. High Wind Speed & Time The high wind speed for each day and the time at which it occurred. At the bottom of the column, the highest wind speed for the month and the day on which it occurred is displayed. Dominant Wind Direction The dominant wind direction for the day. At the bottom of the column, the dominant wind direction for the month is displayed. At the bottom of the report, the following monthly information is summarized. Max >= 90ºF (32ºC) The number of days on which the daily high temperature was 90° F (32°C) or above. Max <= 32ºF (0ºC) The number of days on which the daily high temperature was 32° F (0°C) or below. Min <= 32ºF (0ºC) The number of days on which the daily low temperature was 32° F (0°C) or below. Min <= 0ºF (-18ºC) The number of days on which the daily low temperature was 0° F (-18°C) or below. Note: Thresholds are always in whole degrees. It’s therefore possible for the number of days in these last four items to be different, depending on whether you’re using US or metric units. For example, if there were a daily high registered between 89.6 and 89.9ºF the maximum would not count as >= 90ºF; however, if you were using metric units, the maximum would count as >= 32 ºC (the equivalent of 90ºF). Max Rain The maximum daily rainfall during the month. Days of Rain The number of days on which rainfall exceeded 0.01" (0.2 mm), 0.1" (2 mm), or 1" (20 mm) is displayed. Data: Average and High Wind Speeds WeatherLink samples the wind speed reading from the station a number of times during the interval (the actual number depends on your archive interval). Those readings are averaged to determine at the average wind speed for the interval. WeatherLink accumulates the following wind speed statistics for each minute (as determined by the computer clock): The number of data points received, the highest wind speed value, and the sum of all of the wind speed values received. These statistics are kept for the last full 10 minutes, plus the last minute that is currently being updated. The average and high wind values are calculated by aggregating the last X minute statistics, plus the statistics for the current minute. For example, the two minute high wind speed is the highest value recorded in the last two full minutes plus the current minute divided by the number of samples over the same period. Note: Because the average is calculated by the computer, the value is shown with a resolution of 0.1 mph (0.1 km/h, 0.1 knots, or 0.1 m/s). This is different from the 10 minute average wind speed available on the Vantage Vue, Vantage Pro or Vantage Pro2 station, which is available as soon as a real -time window (excluding the Strip Chart) is open, but only has a resolution of whole miles per hour. Once 10 minutes have passed these two values should be within 1 mph of each other. Because the current partial minute is included in the calculation, the numbers can change with every sample taken, and the time periods are not exactly the number of minutes specified. For example, the two minute wind values are calculated over a period between two and three minutes depending on the time between when the value is calculated and the time the computer clocked rolled over to a new minute. The wind data table in Summary window will show dashes until the number of minutes specified have elapsed. For example, at least five minutes must elapse after opening a real time window before the five minute average or high wind speed are shown. Note: The one minute data will be shown when the computer clock rolls over to a new minute which will occur less than a minute after the window is opened. This "error" becomes a smaller percentage of the measurement interval over longer time intervals, and disappears completely after 11 minutes. Data File Structure What follows is a technical description of the .WLK weather database files. This is of interest mostly to programmers who want to write their own programs to read the data files. The data filename has the following format: YYYY-MM.wlk where YYYY is the four digit year and MM is the two digit month of the data contained in the file. The structures defined below assume that no bytes are added to the structures to make the fields are on the "correct" address boundaries. With the Microsoft C++ compiler, you can use the directive "#pragma pack (1)" to enforce this and use "#pragma pack ()" to return the compiler to its default behavior. // Data is stored in monthly files. Each file has the following header. struct DayIndex { short recordsInDay; // includes any daily summary records long startPos; // The index (starting at 0) of the first daily summary record }; // Header for each monthly file. // The first 16 bytes are used to identify a weather database file and to identify // different file formats. (Used for converting older database files.) class HeaderBlock { char idCode [16]; // = {'W', 'D', 'A', 'T', '5', '.', '0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0} long totalRecords; DayIndex dayIndex [32]; // index records for each day. Index 0 is not used // (i.e. the 1'st is at index 1, not index 0) }; // After the Header are a series of 88 byte data records with one of the following // formats. Note that each day will begin with 2 daily summary records // Daily Summary Record 1 struct DailySummary1 { BYTE dataType = 2; BYTE reserved; // this will cause the rest of the fields to start on an even address short dataSpan; // total # of minutes accounted for by physical records for this day short hiOutTemp, lowOutTemp; // tenths of a degree F short hiInTemp, lowInTemp; // tenths of a degree F short avgOutTemp, avgInTemp; // tenths of a degree F (integrated over the day) short hiChill, lowChill; // tenths of a degree F short hiDew, lowDew; // tenths of a degree F short avgChill, avgDew; // tenths of a degree F short hiOutHum, lowOutHum; // tenths of a percent short hiInHum, lowInHum; // tenths of a percent short avgOutHum; // tenths of a percent short hiBar, lowBar; // thousandths of an inch Hg short avgBar; // thousandths of an inch Hg short hiSpeed, avgSpeed; // tenths of an MPH short dailyWindRunTotal; // 1/10'th of an mile short hi10MinSpeed; // the highest average wind speed record BYTE dirHiSpeed, hi10MinDir; // direction code (0-15, 255) short dailyRainTotal; // 1/1000'th of an inch short hiRainRate; // 1/100'th inch/hr ??? short dailyUVDose; // 1/10'th of a standard MED BYTE hiUV; // tenth of a UV Index BYTE timeValues[27]; // space for 18 time values (see below) }; // Daily Summary Record 2 struct DailySummary2 { BYTE dataType = 3; BYTE reserved; // this will cause the rest of the fields to start on an even address // this field is not used now. unsigned short todaysWeather; // bitmapped weather conditions (Fog, T-Storm, hurricane, etc) short numWindPackets; // # of valid packets containing wind data, // this is used to indicate reception quality short hiSolar; // Watts per meter squared short dailySolarEnergy; // 1/10'th Ly short minSunlight; // number of accumulated minutes where the avg solar rad > 150 short dailyETTotal; // 1/1000'th of an inch short hiHeat, lowHeat; // tenths of a degree F short avgHeat; // tenths of a degree F short hiTHSW, lowTHSW; // tenths of a degree F short hiTHW, lowTHW; // tenths of a degree F short integratedHeatDD65; // integrated Heating Degree Days (65F threshold) // tenths of a degree F - Day // Wet bulb values are not calculated short hiWetBulb, lowWetBulb; // tenths of a degree F short avgWetBulb; // tenths of a degree F BYTE dirBins[24]; // space for 16 direction bins // (Used to calculate monthly dominant Dir) BYTE timeValues[15]; // space for 10 time values (see below) short integratedCoolDD65; // integrated Cooling Degree Days (65F threshold) // tenths of a degree F - Day BYTE reserved2[11]; }; // standard archive record struct WeatherDataRecord { BYTE dataType = 1; BYTE archiveInterval; // number of minutes in the archive // see below for more details about these next two fields) BYTE iconFlags; // Icon associated with this record, plus Edit flags BYTE moreFlags; // Tx Id, etc. short packedTime; // minutes past midnight of the end of the archive period short outsideTemp; // tenths of a degree F short hiOutsideTemp; // tenths of a degree F short lowOutsideTemp; // tenths of a degree F short insideTemp; // tenths of a degree F short barometer; // thousandths of an inch Hg short outsideHum; // tenths of a percent short insideHum; // tenths of a percent unsigned short rain; // number of clicks + rain collector type code short hiRainRate; // clicks per hour short windSpeed; // tenths of an MPH short hiWindSpeed; // tenths of an MPH BYTE windDirection; // direction code (0-15, 255) BYTE hiWindDirection; // direction code (0-15, 255) short numWindSamples; // number of valid ISS packets containing wind data // this is a good indication of reception short solarRad, hisolarRad;// Watts per meter squared BYTE UV, hiUV; // tenth of a UV Index BYTE leafTemp[4]; // (whole degrees F) + 90 short extraRad; // used to calculate extra heating effects of the sun in THSW index short newSensors[6]; // reserved for future use BYTE forecast; // forecast code during the archive interval BYTE ET; // in thousandths of an inch BYTE soilTemp[6]; // (whole degrees F) + 90 BYTE soilMoisture[6]; // centibars of dryness BYTE leafWetness[4]; // Leaf Wetness code (0-15, 255) BYTE extraTemp[7]; // (whole degrees F) + 90 BYTE extraHum[7]; // whole percent }; Notes: Always check the dataType field to make sure you are reading the correct record type There are extra fields that are not used by the current software. For example, there is space for 7 extra temperatures and Hums, but current Vantage stations only log data for 3 extra temps and 2 extra hums. Extra/Soil/Leaf temperatures are in whole degrees with a 90 degree offset. A database value of 0 = -90 F, 100 = 10 F, etc. The rain collector type is encoded in the most significant nibble of the rain field. rainCollectorType = (rainCode & 0xF000); rainClicks = (rainCode & 0x0FFF); Type rainCollectorType 0.1 inch 0x0000 0.01 inch 0x1000 0.2 mm 0x2000 1.0 mm 0x3000 0.1 mm 0x6000 (not fully supported) Use the rainCollectorType to interpret the hiRainRate field. For example, if you have a 0.01 in rain collector, a rain rate value of 19 = 0.19 in/hr = 4.8 mm/hr, but if you have a 0.2 mm rain collector, a rain rate value of 19 = 3.8 mm/hr = 0.15 in/hr. Format for the iconFlags field The lower nibble will hold a value that will represent an Icon to associate with this data record (i.e. snow, rain, sun, lightning, etc.). This field is not used. Bit (0x10) is set if the user has used the edit record function to change a data value. This allows tracking of edited data. Bit (0x20) is set if there is a data note associated with the archive record. If there is, it will be found in a text file named YYYYMMDDmmmm.NOTE. YYYY is the four digit year, MM is the two digit month (i.e. Jan = 01), DD is the two digit day, and mmmm is the number of minutes past midnight (i.e. the packedTime field). This file is found in the DATANOTE subdirectory of the station directory. Format for the moreFlags field The lowest 3 bits contain the transmitter ID that is the source of the wind speed packets recorded in the numWindSamples field. This value is between 0 and 7. If your ISS is on ID 1, zero will be stored in this field. WindTxID = (moreFlags & 0x07); Time values and Wind direction values in Daily Summary records These values are between 0 and 1440 and therefore will fit in 1 1/2 bytes, and 2 values fit in 3 bytes. Use this code to extract the i'th time or direction value. See below for the list of i values. fieldIndex = (i/2) * 3; // note this is integer division (rounded down) if (i is even) value = field[fieldIndex] + (field[fieldIndex+2] & 0x0F)<<8; if (i is odd) value = field[fieldIndex+1] + (field[fieldIndex+2] & 0xF0)<<4; A value of 0x0FFF or 0x07FF indicates no data available (i.e. invalid data) The time value represents the number of minutes after midnight that the specified event took place (actually the time of the archive record). The wind direction bins represent the number of minutes that that direction was the dominant wind direction for the day. Index values for Daily Summary Record 1 time values Time of High Outside Temperature 0 Time of Low Outside Temperature 1 Time of High Inside Temperature 2 Time of Low Inside Temperature 3 Time of High Wind Chill 4 Time of Low Wind Chill 5 Time of High Dew Point 6 Time of Low Dew Point 7 Time of High Outside Humidity 8 Time of Low Outside Humidity 9 Time of High Inside Humidity 10 Time of Low Inside Humidity 11 Time of High Barometer 12 Time of Low Barometer 13 Time of High Wind Speed 14 Time of High Average Wind Speed 15 Time of High Rain Rate 16 Time of High UV 17 Index values for Daily Summary Record 2 time values Time of High Solar Rad 0 Time of High Outside Heat Index 1 Time of Low Outside Heat Index 2 Time of High Outside THSW Index 3 Time of Low Outside THSW Index 4 Time of High Outside THW Index 5 Time of Low Outside THW Index 6 Time of High Outside Wet Bulb Temp 7 Time of Low Outside Wet Bulb Temp 8 (Time value 9 is not used) Index values for Dominant Wind direction bins in Daily Summary Record 2 N 0 NNE 1 NE 2 ... NW 14 NNW 15